This blog is designed to share research and evidences that I find interesting or informative in regards to the Book of Mormon, Bible, and other standard works. I usually focus on the ceremonial ties between the Israelites the Hopi and those found in Mesoamerica or the possible lands of the Book of Mormon.
In The Cavity of a Rock

Father Lehi
Monday, November 22, 2010
Bonds of friendship strong between Catholics and Latter-day
I feel that in times like these it will be relationships like this that will help people keep the Christian faith. I remember while serving my mission in the Bible Belt we used to joke around and say that Catholics make the best Mormons, I had the opportunity to do service with many Catholics and had nothing but respect for each of them as well as those of other faiths who helped us in many ways. Although I recognize the added truth that we have received via the Book of Mormon (D&C and PGP) and latter-day prophets and I am greatful for those truths and do my best to understand them and apply them to my everyday life but I still think that when we all meet our maker we'll all be taking some sort of a "Religion 101".
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Mormon Times: From Sierra Leone to Temple Square
This is the video of Sister Mariama Kallon. I served my mission with her for about 6 weeks. She actually served her mission in the SLC Temple Square mission and as a 4 month reassignment that Temple Square missionaries get she was called to the Kentucky Louisville Mission. I was her first district leader and can attest for what an amazing woman Sister Kallon is. Upon entering the mission home she asked the mission president (Michael C. Cannon) for a rag that she could use. President Cannon gave her a rag and went about his business only to discover she didn't need it for herself. She used the rag to clean the shoes of her fellow missionaries after they had kicked off their shoes at the mission home door. She did this out of respect and the love she has for not only her fellow missionaries and their calling a calling the she herself held and fullfilled in such a reverant manner.
Her Christ like love was contagious to all those who knew her. I remember my companion and I and Sister Kallon and her companions getting up one morning and having a little campfire on the banks of the Ohio River and just hanging out as friends and having a good time kind of as a welcoming get together for her when she came to the mission. I later was transferred to my last area in Evansville Indiana and never got to see her again. So its good to see that she is still extremely active and shares her message....a message that needs to be heard! Upon finding out that my companion Elder Seegmiller and I were being transferred she made each one of us the following handkerchieves to show her appreciation to us as friends and fellow missionaries. She has truly been such a great example to all who know her.

Sister Kallons documentary DVD can be purchased through deseret book at the following link.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Genetic traits possible link between Hopi and converted Lamanites (Anti-Nephi Lehies)?

Type 1 albinism is caused by defects that affect production of the pigment, melanin.
Type 2 albinism is due to a defect in the "P" gene. People with this type have slight coloring at birth. Since there is obviously an actual genetic change that is more common place among the Hopi and Zuni or Pueblo Nations the question arises as to why? or How?
The Book of Mormon speaks of possible genetic changes that took place mainly upon the Lamanites. In 2 Nephi 5 Jacob shares some information about the curse that took place as the Nephites seperated themselves from the Lamanites. He says, speaking about the Lords treatment of the Lamanites, "and he caused a cursing to come upon them, yeah, even a sore cursing,because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them." He later states that, "they did become an idle people" It seems as though the curse was to not be in the presence of the spirit of the Lord it didn't actually effect the skin color. There is a difference between the mark and the curse. The mark placed upon the Lamanites was a dark skin (Alma 3:6). The curse was not the dark skin but being "cut off from the presence of the Lord" (2 Nephi 5:20). Notice that in both Alma 3:7 and Alma 3:14 the conjunction "and" is used between the curse and the mark. This implies that they are not the same thing. The people brought the curse upon themselves: "And even so doth every man that is cursed bring upon himself his own condemnation" (Alma 3:19) Through righteousness the curse may be removed, but the mark may remain as it has with the Lamanites. It the case of repentence there were many times where the mark may have had a reverse effect keeping the righteous Lamanites from mingling with wicked Nephites.
Friday, November 12, 2010
"Far Away" Music Video | Lecrae | (Haiti Relief) [OFFICIAL]
This is a video I should have posted months ago because I love the song. This is by Lecrae and it was done for the Haiti Relief efforts. Even though its main purpose was to get donations for Haiti Relief I think that the message is one that each of us can relate to on a daily basis. I know that I personally seem to call on God at times when I am really in need but when things are going good he seems to take the back burner.....and then when we wonder why he seems "far away" once our times of need kick back up. Anyways great song great purpose...enjoy
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Daniel Peterson: How Nephi understood the Tree of Life (and why the Book of Mormon is an ancient record) | Mormon Times
Daniel Peterson: How Nephi understood the Tree of Life (and why the Book of Mormon is an ancient record) Mormon Times
After reading the above article feel free to watch this video for further information on archeological finds involving the role of Asherah
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Chichen Itza and links to Lehi and the 3 Nephites

These authors further report that the ancient settlers of that area never appointed kings for themselves. In other words, they could not have been those whom the Book of Mormon traditionally identifies as Lamanites, who were always ruled by kings. Instead, "three brothers" ruled the people at Chichen Itza, with none viewed as superior to the others (Forest of Kings, 359-60).